These Terms and Conditions are set forth as the terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the ``Terms'') for the services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the ``Services'').
1. These Terms apply to all users of this site and this service, regardless of whether they are members or not. By using this site and this service, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms. 2. These Terms of Use may be amended by adding new provisions or changing them without the prior consent of the User by notifying the User in any manner that the Company deems appropriate, such as posting on this website. will do. 3. If these Terms are revised, users shall comply with the revised Terms.
1. Users may use this site and this service in accordance with these Terms and the indications based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Law posted on this site (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms, etc."). can. 2. If the User causes inconvenience or damage to the Company or other Users, etc., or a dispute arises due to a violation of these Terms, etc., or through the use of the Site and the Service. In such case, the user shall resolve such problems and disputes at his/her own expense and responsibility.
1. Copyrights of designs, images, programs, and other content provided through this site and this service (hereinafter referred to as "content"), trademark rights of posted products, and other intellectual property rights are reserved. All information belongs to legitimate rights holders such as our company or other copyright holders (hereinafter collectively referred to as "intellectual property rights holders"), and users may not infringe on these rights. 2. Regardless of the purpose, you may not use (reproduce, repurpose, etc.) all or part of the contents of this site and this service without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder.
Users shall not engage in any of the acts listed below when using this site and this service. In addition, if the following acts are observed or there is a risk of such acts, our company may refuse the user's use of this service and this site. 1. Acts that infringe on the property rights, privacy, or other rights of the Company or a third party. 2. Information that is contrary to the facts or acts that violate public order and morals towards the Company or a third party. 3. Acts that slander, slander, or damage the reputation of the Company or a third party. 4. Criminal acts, acts that violate public order and morals, and other acts that violate laws and regulations. 5. Acts of using any information obtained through this site and this service for commercial purposes. 6. Acts of fraudulently using credit cards. 7. Acts of purchasing products from this site and this service for resale, resale, or other commercial purposes. 8. Acts of ordering without the intention of purchasing, acts of placing orders that objectively appear to have no intention of ordering, acts of returning or exchanging purchased items without reasonable grounds, and acts of refusing to receive items. 9. Any other acts that our company deems inappropriate.
1. The Company will appropriately handle the personal information of users (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information") based on the privacy policy separately established by the Company and will take necessary protective measures. 2. The Company may perform operations related to the provision of this service such as product shipping, personal authentication, notifications of the Company's products and services to the e-mail address registered by the user, and other purposes other than those listed below. We will not use your personal information.
· 1. User management, customer support
· 2. Planning campaigns, etc.
· 3. Marketing activities after processing to a state where individuals cannot be identified
· 4. Provision of other content related to this site and this service
3. Our company will jointly use personal information.
· 1. Items of personal information to be jointly used Name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address, product purchase history, etc. Information obtained by our company
· 2. Scope of joint users Our group companies Developers where we open stores, department stores, and other commercial facilities Companies that open stores on this site
· 3. Purpose of joint use The purpose of use shall be as stated in the preceding paragraph.
· 4. Person responsible for managing personal information The company responsible for managing personal information is our company.
4. The Company may entrust personal information to a subcontractor selected by the Company in order to achieve the purpose of use set forth in Section 2. In this case, our company will conclude necessary confidentiality agreements with the outsourcing company and conduct appropriate management and supervision. 5. When using this site, your information may be created on your computer's hard disk in a file called a "cookie." Cookies do not infringe on your privacy, but if you refuse the use of cookies in your browser, you may not be able to use all or part of this service. 6. Due to Google Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "each company") distributing our advertisements, it is not possible to identify a specific individual or restore the personal information used to create the registered personal information. After taking appropriate measures, we will create anonymously processed information and provide it to each company by uploading the encrypted information to each company's management screen.
In the operation and management of this site and this service, our company may change this site and this service without prior notice to the user or prior consent of the user in any of the following cases. , may be interrupted and stopped. Furthermore, the Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by users due to changes, interruptions, or suspensions of this site and this service. 1. When it is necessary to perform maintenance inspection and stop computer systems such as equipment related to this site and this service (hereinafter referred to as the "system"). 2. If the operation of the system becomes difficult due to fire, power outage, natural disaster, or other force majeure. 3. If the operation of the system becomes difficult due to sabotage by a third party or a man-made disaster (war, riot, disturbance, labor dispute, etc.). 4. In other cases where the Company deems it necessary to stop the system due to unavoidable circumstances.
1. Images of posted products, this site, and this service (hereinafter referred to as "products, etc.") may differ slightly from the actual products, etc. in color and size due to screen settings, etc. . 2. Our company shall not be responsible for the quality of products, compatibility with other products, other defects, and any damages, losses, or disadvantages caused to users due to these. We do not assume any guarantees or responsibilities other than those stipulated in (returns and exchanges).&nb